What is Microdermabrasion?
A safe, non-surgical, resurfacing treatment with a diamond tip and filter to exfoliate dead skin cells and promote new cell growth. Will improve fine lines, age spots, acne scars, pigmentation, texture, oily skin, tough skin and blemishes. Stimulate and increase collagen production and skin elasticity. Increase cell metabolism and turnover. Oxygenate the blood and balance pH. Reduce bacteria and heal acne wounds on skin. Provides an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect
Who is Not a Candidate for Microdermabrasion?
There are some cases in which Microdermabrasion should not be performed because the potential for side effects is too great. These include:
Active acne and breakouts
Active herpes sufferers
Malignant tumor sufferers
People using Retin A or Accutane / Isotretinoin (Stop use 2-3 days before and do not restart until 2-3 days after a treatment.)
Rosacea, Dermatitis, Skin cancers, Easy bruising
Hepatitis, Aids
When on Blood thinners medication
No Botox or Laser hair removal 24 hours before or after
No Electrolysis, waxing, depilatories, Glycolic or Lactic Treatments or Dermabrasion 1 week before or after.
In all of these cases Microdermabrasion is likely to result in complications. Pregnant and nursing mothers have fluctuating hormonal levels which will hinder the skin regeneration process.
Why Microdermabrasion?
Approximately every 28 days we create a new layer of skin. As new cells form, they push their way to the surface and then dead cells settle on the surface. This can cause enlarged, cloggy pores, an uneven texture and a dull appearance. As we age this process slows down, leading to the appearance of older skin with less radiance. Microdermabrasion treatment is most commonly used to treat the following skin conditions:
Acne scars
Age spots
Stretch marks
Fine lines & wrinkles
Sun damaged skin (hyper pigmentation)
Uneven skin texture
Rough skin texture
Minimizing skin pore size
Rejuvenating skin tone
​Grande Treatment: Face, Neck & Décolleté
Premium Treatment: Face
Face & Neck:
Face, Neck & Décolleté:
Hands & Arms:
Cold Laser
Our Cold Laser technology supplies energy to the body in the form of infrared light. Photo-Bio Stimulation is the supply of non-thermal photons of light to the face. It is a scientific fact that light transmitted to the blood in this way increases ATP in the mitochondria which brings the cells back to their original state of Health with positive effects throughout the entire body, supplying vital oxygen and energy to every cell.